Ø 个人基本信息:
Ø 研究方向:
Ø 教科研项目:
Ø 教科研论文:
1. Tunable tunneling magnetoresistance in in-plane double barrier magnetic tunnel junctions based on B vacancy h-NB nanoribbons, Hailin Yu, Zhenguang Shao, Yongmei Tao, Xuefan Jiang, Raojun Dong, Jie Zhang, Yushen Liu, Xifeng Yang, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS (2022) 24, 3451-3459
2. Synergistic Effect on the Improved Electrochemical Performance in the Case of Fe1–xCdxCO3, Fanjun Kong, Zhengsi Han, Xiaolei He, Hailin Yu*, Shi Tao, Bin Qian* and Hongmei Luo*, J. Phys. Chem. C (2019) 123, 32, 19333-19339
3. J. J. Song, F. Tang, W. Zhou, Y. Fang*, H. L. Yu*, Z. D. Han, B. Qian*, X. F. Jiang, D. H. Wang, and Y. W. Du, Extremely large magnetoresistance in the antiferromagnetic semimetal GdSb, J. Mater. Chem. C, (2018) 6:3026-3033
4. Hailin Yu, Xuefan Jiang, Zhenguang Shao, Jinfu Feng, Xifeng Yang and Yushen Liu*, Metal-Free Half-Metallicity in B-Doped gh-C3N4 Systems, Nanoscale Research Letters(2018) 13:57
5. H. L. Yu, X. F. Jiang, M. Q. Cai, J. F. Feng , X. S. Chen, X. F. Yang , Y.S. Liu*, Electronic and magnetic properties of zigzag C2N-h2D nanoribbons: Edge and width effects, Chemical Physics Letters(2017) 685: 363–370
6. H. L. Yu, Y. Z. Wu, X. F. Jiang, M. Q. Cai, L. P. Gu, and G. W. Yang*, Ferroelectric functionality in SrTiO3/Si heterojunctions, J. Appl. Phys.(2013)114: 173502
7. H. L. Yu, X. F. Jiang, Y. Zheng and G. W. Yang*, An ab initio study of MgO epitaxial layers on a Co2MnSi(0 0 1) surface: influence of the interface structure on tunneling conductance, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.(2012)45: 325002
8. H. L. Yu, H. B. Zhang, X. F. Jiang, and G. W. Yang*, Prediction of stable ferroelectricity in epitaxial BaTiO3 on Si, Appl. Phys. Lett.(2012) 101: 102903
9. H. L. Yu, H. B. Zhang, X. F. Jiang, Y. Zheng, and G. W. Yang*, Transport and magnetic properties of the Co2MnSi/Al/Co2MnSi trilayer, Appl. Phys. Lett.(2012)100: 222407
10. H. L. Yu, and G. W. Yang*, The interface structure and magnetic and electronic properties of a Co2FeAl0.5Si0.5/MgO/Co2FeAl0.5Si0.5 magnetic tunneling junction, J. Appl. Phys.(2011)109: 083509
11. H. L. Yu and G. W. Yang*, Elimination of interface states of Co2MnSi/MgO/Co2MnSi magnetic tunneling junction by inserting an Al atomic layer, Appl. Phys. Lett.(2011) 98: 011910
12. H. L. Yu and G. W. Yang*, First-principles calculations of the single-bonded cubic phase of nitrogen, PHYSICAL REVIEW B(2006) 73: 012101
13. H. L. Yu, G. W. Yang *, Y. Xiao , Y. L. Mao, Band structure and optical properties of single-bonded cubic nitrogen: A first-principle study, Chemical Physics Letters(2005) 419: 450–453
14. H. L. Yu, G.W. Yang *, Y. Xiao, X. H. Yan, Y. L. Mao, Y. R. Yang , Y. Zhang, Lattice dynamics of single-bonded cubic nitrogen, Chemical Physics Letters(2005) 417: 272–276
Ø 参与发表的论文:
1. Y S Liu , Y J Dong, J Zhang, H L Yu, J F Feng and X F Yang*, Multi-functional spintronic devices based on boron- or aluminum-doped silicone nanoribbons, Nanotechnology(2018) 29 :125201
2. Yu-Qing Zhao, Xuan Wang, Biao Liu, Zhuo-Liang Yu, Pe-Bing He, Qiang Wan, Meng-Qiu Cai,∗, Hai-Lin Yu, Geometric structure and photovoltaic properties of mixed halide germanium perovskites from theoretical view, Organic Electronics(2018) 53: 50–56
3. X. F. Yang, Y. W. Kuang, H. L. Yu, Z. G. Shao, J. Zhang, J. F. Feng, X. S. Chen and Y. S. Liu*, Zigzag C2N nanoribbons with edge modifications as multi-functional spin devices, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys.(2017) 19: 12538
4. Zhicheng Wang *, Siqi Wang , Shiyan Jiao, Wenjian Weng, Kui Cheng, Bin Qian, Hailin Yu, Yimin Chao, A hierarchical porous microstructure for improving long-term stability of Ni1-xCux/SDC anode-supported IT-SOFCs fueled with dry methane, Journal of Alloys and Compounds(2017) 702: 186-192
5. X. F. Yang, Y. W. Kuang,* Y. S. Liu*, D. B. Zhang, Z. G. Shao, H. L. Yu, X. K. Hong, J. F. Feng, X. S. Chen and X. F. Wang, Carbon-based molecular devices: Fano effects controlled by the molecule length and the gate voltage, Nanoscale(2016) 8: 15712
6. X. K. Hong, Y. W. Kuang, C. Qian, Y. M. Tao, H. L. Yu, D. B. Zhang, Y. S. Liu, J. F. Feng,* X. F. Yang*, and X. F. Wang*, Axisymmetric All-Carbon Devices with High-Spin Filter Efficiency, Large-Spin Rectifying, and Strong-Spin Negative Differential Resistance Properties, J. Phys. Chem. C(2016) 120: 668−676
7. Y.S. Liu , X.Y. Shao, T. Shao, J.Y. Zhang, Y.W. Kuang, D.B. Zhang, Z.G. Shao, H.L. Yu, X.K. Hong , J.F. Feng , X.F. Yang *, X.S. Chen , X.F. Wang, Gate-enhanced thermoelectric effects in all-carbon quantum devices, Carbon(2016) 109 :411-417
8. Dan Cao, Biao Liu, Hailin Yu, Wangyu Hu, and Mengqiu Cai*, First-principles study of electronic and magnetic properties in Co doped BaTiO3, Eur. Phys. J. B(2015) 88: 75
9. D. Cao, B. Liu, H.L. Yu, W.Y. Hu, and M.Q. Cai*, Critical thickness for ferroelectricity and magnetoelectric effect in multiferroic tunnel junction with symmetrical and asymmetrical electrodes, Eur. Phys. J. B(2013) 86: 504
10. Hong Bin Zhang, Hai Lin Yu, Ding Hua Bao, Shu Wei Li, Cheng Xin Wang, and Guo Wei Yang*, Magnetoresistance Switch Effect of a Sn-Doped Bi2Te3 Topological Insulator, Adv. Mater.(2012) 24: 132–136
11. H. B. Zhang, H. L. Yu and G. W. Yang*, Experimental evidence of the nanoscaled topological metallic surface state of Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 films, EPL(2011) 95: 56002
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