Ø 个人基本信息:
路海双,博士,副教授。2015年毕业于苏州大学物理学院,获理学博士学位。2017-2018年在台湾大学物理系郭光宇教授课题组做博士后。现任电信学院物理系教师。自2015年6月起,一直在高校从事教学科研工作,主讲大学物理、固体物理等课程。主持完成国家自然科学基金青年项目一项,国家自然科学基金应急管理项目一项,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目多项。近年来,以第一作者身份在Physical Review B,Physical Review Applied,Applied Physics Letters等期刊发表论文7篇。
Ø 研究方向:
Ø 教科研项目:
1. 国家自然科学基金,青年项目,11704046,电场调控半金属p型KNbO3/EuTiO3异质界面电子结构的第一性原理研究,结题,主持;
2. 国家自然科学基金,应急管理项目,11647076,LaAlO3/LaMnO3/EuTiO3异质界面电子结构重构的理论研究,结题,主持;
Ø 教科研论文:
(14) Lu, Hai-Shuang, and Guang-Yu Guo. "High-temperature ideal Weyl semimetal phase and Chern insulator phase in ferromagnetic BaEuNiOsO6 and its (111)(BaEuNiOsO6)/(BaTiO3)10 superlattice." Physical Review B 104.18 (2021): 184417.
(15) Lu, Hai-Shuang, and Guang-Yu Guo. "Anomalous ferromagnetism and magneto-optical Kerr effect in semiconducting double perovskite Ba2NiOsO6 and its (111)(Ba2NiOsO6)/(BaTiO3)10 superlattice." Physical Review B 100.5 (2019): 054443.
(16) Lu, Haishuang, et al. "Ultrafast Nonlinear Optical Response and Carrier Dynamics in Layered Gallium Sulfide (GaS) Single-Crystalline Thin Films." Frontiers in Materials 8 (2021): 775048.
(17) Lu, Hai-Shuang, and Guang-Yu Guo. "Strain and onsite-correlation tunable quantum anomalous Hall phases in ferromagnetic (111) LaXO3 bilayers (X= Pd, Pt)." Physical Review B 99.10 (2019): 104405.
(18) Lu, Hai-Shuang, et al. "Polar Catastrophe, Orbital Reconstruction, and Emergent Ferromagnetic Exchange Coupling at the SrFeO2 (001) Surface." The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119.31 (2015): 17673-17679.
(19) Lu, Hai-Shuang, et al. "Half-metallic p-type LaAlO3/EuTiO3 heterointerface from density-functional theory." Physical Review Applied 3.3 (2015): 034011.
(20) Lu, Hai-Shuang, and Sheng Ju. "Evolution of itinerant ferromagnetism in SrxPb1-xRuO3 (0≤ x≤ 1): Interplay between Jahn-Teller distortion and A-site disorder." Applied Physics Letters 98.12 (2011).
Ø 其它获奖、荣誉:
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