

研究方向 固体声学、超声无损检测、非线性声学、水声学 学位职称 博士/讲师

Ø 个人基本信息


Ø 研究方向:


Ø 教科研论文:

1. Chen, Guangzhi; Zhang, Yuxiang; Abraham, Odile; Pageot, Damien; Chekroun, Mathieu; Tournat, Vincent ; Numerical parametric study of Nonlinear Coda Wave Interferometry sensitivity to microcrack size in a multiple scattering medium, Ultrasonics, 2021, 116: 0-106483

2. Guangzhi Chen; Damien Pageot; Odile Abraham; Yuxiang Zhang; Mathieu Chekroun; Vincent Tournat ; Nonlinear Coda Wave Interferometry: Sensitivity to wave-induced material property changes analyzed via numerical simulations in 2D, Ultrasonics, 2019, 99: 105968

3. Guangzhi Chen; Damien Pageot; Jean-Baptiste Legland; Odile Abraham; Mathieu Chekroun; Vincent Tournat; Numerical modeling of ultrasonic coda wave interferometry in a multiple scattering medium with a localized nonlinear defect, Wave Motion, 2017, 72: 228-243

4. Guangzhi Chen; Odile Abraham; Damien Pageot; Olivier Durand; Mathieu Chekroun; Vincent Tournat ; Monitoring cracks with Nonlinear Coda Wave Interferometry (NCWI): numerical and experimental results, In Proc.2019 SHMII-9 Conf. (Saint Louis, United States)

5. Guangzhi Chen; Damien Pageot; Jean-Baptiste Legland; Odile Abraham; Mathieu Chekroun; Vincent Tournat; Numerical modeling of Nonlinear modulation of Coda Wave Interferometry in a multiple scattering medium with the presence of a localized micro-cracked zone, In Proc.2017 QNDE Conf. (Provo, United States)AIP Conference ProceedingsVol.1949, Num. UNSP 210002.

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